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Our Approach

London & Norfolk, Ltd. uses multifaceted risk assessment and analysis to identify exposures, needs, risk tolerances, and market solutions.

Insurance Placements

London & Norfolk, Ltd. places and services any type of business property and casualty insurance policy or bond.
What We Do for Our Clients

What We Do

Our team works collaboratively with clients and industry partners to develop and place innovative insurance programs addressing the short and long-term goals of our middle to large-market clients with domestic and international exposures.

Industries Served

Industries Served

London & Norfolk, Ltd. has licensed, professional, experienced staff with proven expertise in placing, managing, and servicing a full suite of insurance coverages.

Our Approach

New accounts are thoroughly reviewed for specifics in nuances in operations, exposures, claims, and the details and costs of insuring risks for national and international clients. Reviewing safety programs, loss controls, risk transfers, and services are often helpful to determine the best services and methodologies focused on a client-centric philosophy.

London & Norfolk, Ltd.’s team reviews the current client insurance program and insurance policies to make comparisons with other coverage offered. The underwriting information is collected and presented to insurance companies; proposals are received, reviewed, and analyzed by London & Norfolk, Ltd. agents.

London & Norfolk, Ltd. collaboratively works to negotiate the best possible terms with the insurance company and a detailed proposal is presented to the client along with any applicable options. Coverage is bound and certificates are issued and policies are delivered after they have been thoroughly reviewed by the London & Norfolk, Ltd. team before options are presented.

London & Norfolk, Ltd. has licensed, professional, experienced staff with proven expertise in placing, managing, and servicing a full suite of insurance coverage in a program format to suit the unique needs of clients.

London & Norfolk, Ltd. operates globally with access to all major United States commercial insurance carriers through direct appointments, wholesale operations, or program managers as well as access to Lloyd’s of London directly or through various Lloyd’s brokers.

London & Norfolk, Ltd. places clients’ policies with insurers offering coverage at competitive premiums with relevant safety and loss control support, risk program management, and claims support. Limits and coverage are benchmarked against claims results, industry tools, and similar clients.

Insurance Placements

London & Norfolk, Ltd. places and services any type of business property and casualty insurance policy or bond.

Samples of common policies:

  • Property Coverage (building, business personal property, hull, equipment, cargo, builder’s risk, business income, and extra expense)

  • General Liability (including products, medical expenses, completed operations, and personal and advertising injury)

  • Commercial Automobile

  • Workers’ Compensation (State Act coverage, United States Longshore & Harbor Workers coverage-USL&H, Crew Protection & Indemnity coverage, Maritime Employers Liability coverage-MEL, Defense Base Act coverage-DBA, Outer Continental Shelf Act coverage)

  • Umbrella Liability

  • Excess Liability

  • Hull Coverage

  • Protection and Indemnity (P&I)

  • Bumbershoots (Marine Excess)

  • Professional Liability / Errors and Omissions Liability (E&O)

  • Directors and Officers Liability

  • Employment Practices Liability

  • Fiduciary Liability

  • Crime (Employee Dishonesty)

  • Cyber Liability & Data Breach Coverage

  • Environmental Liability

  • Pollution Liability

  • Vessel Pollution Coverage

  • Bonds

  • Aircraft Hull and Liability

  • Trade Credit Insurance

  • Representations & Warranties Coverage and other mergers and acquisitions transactional insurance; and Specialized Legal Liability (Industry specific legal liability coverage such as ship repairers, terminal operators, garages, charterers, marinas, boat dealers, contractors, transportation and warehouses)

What We Do for Our Clients

London & Norfolk, Ltd.’s team works collaboratively with clients and industry partners to develop and place innovative insurance programs addressing the short and long-term goals of our middle to large-market clients with domestic and international exposures.

Please contact us with any specific service questions. London & Norfolk, Ltd. agents are always eager to explain client services and solutions.

Below is a partial listing of services provided by London & Norfolk, Ltd.:

  • Property Valuation Support
  • Marketing of Clients Insurance Placements

  • Placement of Selected Programs
  • Risk Analysis
  • Payment Options
  • Benchmarking
  • Referrals
  • Coverage Review
  • Program Options
  • Policy Review and Analysis
  • Policy Delivery
  • Contractual Insurance Requirement Review
  • Coverage Options
  • Structure Options
  • Insurance Certificate Production and Distribution
  • Online Access
  • Lenders Insurance Review and Compliance
  • Claims Support/Review/Analysis/Advocacy
  • Safety Program Support
  • Loss Control Support
  • Risk Transfer Guidance
  • WC Experience Rating/Review/Analysis

Various client specific services are based on type of business, insurance program, insurance carriers and claims activity. For any specific service questions please contact the London & Norfolk, Ltd. team for an explanation of the services and solutions brought to our clients.

Our team primarily communicates with clients and carriers via face-to-face meetings, phone calls and e-mail. Clients have access to policy information, claims data and certificates via a client portal 24 hours, seven days a week. Depending upon each client regularly scheduled communications occur to effectively manage claims, costs and coverage.

Types of Businesses We Serve

We can serve virtually any type of business and have experience in a very wide range of business segments.

Some examples of business types are:

  • Real estate of all types

  • Ship repair and ship building
  • Manufacturers
  • Services companies of all types
  • Wholesalers
  • Environmental
  • Government contractors of all types
  • Recycling
  • Tug and Barge
  • Transportation
  • Technology
  • Non-profits of all types
  • Terminals
  • Vessels of all types
  • Contractors of all types
  • Fitness
  • Marinas
  • Aviation
  • Special Events
  • Healthcare

Contact Us

London & Norfolk Ltd. serves the insurance and risk management needs of commercial entities worldwide through smart, effective insurance brokerage.

Our Address
  • London & Norfolk Ltd.
  • 999 Waterside Dr.
  • Suite 1010
  • Norfolk, VA 23510
Contact Details